EDC5129I No such file or directory

Discussion of the Co:Z Toolkit Dataset Pipes utilities
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EDC5129I No such file or directory

Post by warren »

after getting the launcer installed and the executable on our target LINUX server, I tried running the GREPDSN from the sample jcl and get the following error:

CoZLauncherÝN¨: version: 2.4.5 2014-05-29
CoZLauncherÝN¨: Copyright (C) Dovetailed Technologies, LLC. 2006-2013. All righ
CoZLauncherÝE¨: spawnp(cozserver) - EDC5129I No such file or directory. (errno2
CoZLauncherÝE¨: CoZLauncher ended with RC=102
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Re: EDC5129I No such file or directory

Post by dovetail »

I think that this problem (can't start cozserver on z/OS is because the "server-path" configuration property is not setup.

See: http://dovetail.com/docs/coz/config.htm ... r_required
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