specifying JOBCLASS in a any build

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specifying JOBCLASS in a any build

Post by hollobg »

I was wondering is there any way to specify JOBCLASS in a job that is submitted from an ant-build. I was going through the exercise in section 6.4 of the jzos cookbook, and the job that was submitted to do the initial build had a JOBNAME of &USERID.P and no JOBCLASS specified, so it defaulted on the mainframe to JOBCLASS A. The trouble is we have a product on the mainframe called OSEM, that controls the JES environment and will not permit a JOB with a JOBNAME that starts with a USERID from running in CLASS A, so the job fails with a jcl error. So I was wondering is there any way in the ant-build to specify either the JOBCLASS and/or the JOBNAME
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Re: specifying JOBCLASS in a any build

Post by dovetail »

You can modify the template JCL (in the "jcl" project directory) to customize your job card as you wish.
You can even add new property (variable) names to build.properties (you might want to add a default value in the build.xml "init" task:

(file: build.properties)
jobClass = B

(file: ant-src/build.xml, under the "init" task)
<property name="jobClass" value="A"/>

(file: jcl/(all members))
//${userid}V JOB (${jobAcct}),'${jobPgmrName}',CLASS=${jobClass},
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Re: specifying JOBCLASS in a any build

Post by hollobg »

Thankyou, I can see that
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Re: specifying JOBCLASS in a any build

Post by Atif »

I have tried creating a /tmp/sh directory then a /tmp/sh file - no good.
my tmp directory has over 200k blocks of space.
I tried repeating the process from my user directory and it also gets an out of space condition. My $HOME dir has 500K blocks of space.

Any Suggestions?
for what..?
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