COZ SFTP rc=exitcode problem

Discussion of Co:Z sftp, a port of OpenSSH sftp for z/OS
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COZ SFTP rc=exitcode problem

Post by cagatayucuzal »

in our test enviroment, there are two problems,

1.if you don't give a script name cozbactc (,...)in the JOb, it ends rc=0, in our expect ends rc>4 ends rc=1 when don' find file,our expect rc>4

cozsftp> put //XXXX.ISPxx test/test.txt
$89.585¨ stat //XXXX.ISPxx: not found
CoZBatch$I¨: returning rc=exitcode=1

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Re: COZ SFTP rc=exitcode problem

Post by coz »

1.) Your Unix System Services shell script is running without calling, but this is not an error. The shell script is exiting successfully, and returning the rc of the last operation, which is zero. So rc=0 (and job step CC of 0) is correct in this case.

2.) When SFTP succeeds, it issues an rc=0. If it fails, it always issues rc=1, no matter what the error is. If you would like to convert the rc=1 to a job step condition code > 4, you can modify your shell script by adding the following lines, immediately after your call to

Code: Select all

. $script_dir/
test $? -ne 0 && exit 12 
exit 0
This will cause non-zero sftp return values to force the script to exit with rc=12, which in turn will set a job step CC of 12. Otherwise (if sftp succeeds) the script will exit with rc=0 (and set the job step CC to 0).
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