EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x0B7F02A4)

General discussion of the Co:Z Toolkit
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EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x0B7F02A4)

Post by usaajrm »

Sorry to bother you guys. But something changed in our environment right at the time we upgraded to 1.8 toolkit on z/OS and now the launcher does not work. I'm having our linux and z/os admin review the install steps. Right now we still do not understand the problem.
Here is some logging. Any help is appreciated.
  • CoZLauncher[N]: version: 1.8.0 2011-02-03
    CoZLauncher[N]: Copyright (C) Dovetailed Technologies, LLC. 2006. All rights reserved.
    CoZLauncher[D]: target_user="id12345", target_host="server3", target_port="NULL"
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> CoZLauncher()
    CoZLauncher[D]: sysname=B011
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- CoZLauncher()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> run()
    CoZLauncher[D]: CoZLauncher process id=84017542. Parent pid=1
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> logRegionSize()
    CoZLauncher[D]: region size requested = 32768K, Actual below/above limit = 8168K / 1146880K
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- logRegionSize()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> loadEtcInitOptionsEnv()
    CoZLauncher[T]: loadEtcInitOptionsEnv: TZ=CST6CDT
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- loadEtcInitOptionsEnv()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> loadConfiguration()
    CoZLauncher: Agent output WTO is OFF
    CoZLauncher: ssh tunnelling is ON
    CoZLauncher[D]: server-path=/usr/local/coz/bin/cozserver
    CoZLauncher[D]: server-ports=8040-8048
    CoZLauncher[D]: ssh-le-options=HEAP(8M,1M,,FREE),ENVAR("_CEE_REALLOC_CONTROL=256K,25")
    CoZLauncher[D]: agent-path=/opt/dovetail/coz/bin/cozagent
    CoZLauncher[D]: server-env-COZ_TRSUB_US-ASCII=ISO8859-1
    CoZLauncher[D]: ssh-options=-vv
    CoZLauncher[D]: server-env-PASSWD_DSN=//OS.SHARE.COZ.SUPPORT.LIB(NWME)
    CoZLauncher[D]: server-env-SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/local/coz/bin/read_passwd_dsn.sh CoZLauncher[D]: server-env-DISPLAY=none
    CoZLauncher[D]: agent-options=-LD,T,t
    CoZLauncher[D]: target-env-COZ_LOG=D,t
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- loadConfiguration()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> setServerEnvironment()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> loadEtcInitOptionsEnv()
    CoZLauncher[T]: loadEtcInitOptionsEnv: TZ=CST6CDT
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- loadEtcInitOptionsEnv()
    CoZLauncher[D]: Set server environment variable:'COZ_TRSUB_US-ASCII'='ISO8859-1'
    CoZLauncher[D]: Set server environment variable:'PASSWD_DSN'='//OS.SHARE.COZ.SUPPORT.LIB(NWME)'
    CoZLauncher[D]: Set server environment variable:'SSH_ASKPASS'='/usr/local/coz/bin/read_passwd_dsn.sh' CoZLauncher[D]: Set server environment variable:'DISPLAY'='none'
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- setServerEnvironment()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> generateAuthToken()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- generateAuthToken()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> determineServerPort()
    CoZLauncher[D]: Server port range: 8040-8048
    CoZLauncher[D]: Attempting to start socket listener on port 8040
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> startSocketListener(host=, port=8040)
    CoZLauncher: CoZServer listener socket bound to:
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- startSocketListener(listensock=0)
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- determineServerPort()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> launchServer()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> buildServerCommand()
    CoZLauncher[D]: server_cmd...
    /usr/local/coz/bin/cozserver -sockfd 3
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- buildServerCommand()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> spawnServer()
    CoZLauncher[T]: server fd_map[-1,-1,2,0]
    CoZLauncher[T]: server_stderr_fd=1
    CoZLauncher[D]: Started CoZServer process: 16908679
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- spawnServer()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- launchServer()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> launchAgent()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> buildAgentCommand()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> parseSshOptions()
    CoZLauncher[D]: arg[3] = '-vv'
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- parseSshOptions()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> parseCommand()
    CoZLauncher[D]: arg[0] = '-LD,T,t'
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- parseCommand(nargs=1)
    CoZLauncher[D]: agent_cmd...
    /bin/ssh -l id12345 -vv -R 8040: server3 /opt/dovetail/coz/bin/cozagent -LD,T,t
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- buildAgentCommand()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> spawnAgent()
    CoZLauncher[T]: agent_fd_map[0,4,6]
    CoZLauncher[T]: agent_fds[2,3,5]
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> serverStderrThread()
    CoZLauncher[D]: Started CoZAgent process: 131464
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- spawnAgent()
    CoZLauncher[T]: agent FDS=[2,3,5]
    CoZLauncher[D]: About to start target command: ''
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- launchAgent()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> waitForChildren()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> agentStderrThread()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> agentStdoutThread()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> agentStdinThread()
    CoZLauncher[D]: serverStderrThread completed
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> waitStatusServer()
    CoZLauncher[D]: CoZServer (16908679) ended with RC=0
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- waitStatusServer()
    CoZLauncher[D]: Signalling agent process
    CoZLauncher[D]: Sleep before Killing child process CozAgent (131464)
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- serverStderrThread()
    CoZLauncher[D]: First agent message received:
    FOTS2212 PRIV_END: seteuid: EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x0B7F02A4)

    CoZLauncher[D]: agentStdoutThread completed
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- agentStdoutThread()
    CoZLauncher[D]: agentStderrThread completed
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- agentStderrThread()
    CoZLauncher[D]: Killing child process CozAgent (131464) with signal 15
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> waitStatusAgent()
    CoZLauncher[N]: id12345@server3 target command '<default shell>' ended with RC=0
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- waitStatusAgent()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- waitForChildren(rc=0)
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> cleanup()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- agentStdinThread()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- cleanup()
    CoZLauncher: CoZLauncher ended with RC=0
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- run()
    CoZLauncher[T]: -> ~CoZLauncher()
    CoZLauncher[T]: <- ~CoZLauncher()
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Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:12 pm

Post by dovetail »

FOTS2212 PRIV_END: seteuid: EDC5157I An internal error has occurred. (errno2=0x0B7F02A4)

(Corrected July 6, 2011)
This is a message that comes from Ported Tools OpenSSH 1.2 if your ssh binary doesn't have the correct extended attributes. The correct settings for Ported Tools 1.2 are:

Code: Select all

> extattr /bin/ssh
APF authorized = NO          
Program controlled = NO      
Shared address space = NO    
Shared library = NO          

Also, if you upgraded Co:Z from an old release, are you using the new SAMPJCL PROC and COZCFGD default properties file shipped with the new version? There are changes in the shipped default properties that are required to run the new version of Co:Z, especially if you also upgraded to the new version of IBM Ported Tools.
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