Java program invoked via JZOS launcher can utilize ZAAP?

General discussion on the JZOS batch launcher and toolkit
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Java program invoked via JZOS launcher can utilize ZAAP?

Post by Sudhzos »

Hi, I have two basic question. Can anyone here help me to understand

1) I understood that the JZOS package was implemented with JNI wrapers on c/c++ library routines. As per the zAAP documentation only pure java workload will be eligible for zAAP. Sine it is implemented with JNI wrapper will this java work load eligible for zAAP?

2) I understand the JZOS laucher create JVM address space in the JCL address spaces to provide access to DD names. Since this JVM lauched in JCL address space the jave coded which is executed in the JVM is zAPP eligible? Is there to mesure how much work load is moved to zAPP and how much running on GCP.

Can anyone help with these questions.
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Re: Java program invoked via JZOS launcher can utilize ZAAP?

Post by dovetail »

These are really questions more appropriately directed to IBM, since JZOS is now part of the z/OS Java SDK.

But -
1) yes, the JZOS that is shipped with the z/OS Java SDK's jni routines are eligible for zAAP
2) RMF or equivalent can give you information on zAPP vs GCP and eligibility, but we aren't RMF experts and can't offer any details.
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