Text mode transfer via IPSwitch?

Discussion of Co:Z sftp, a port of OpenSSH sftp for z/OS
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Text mode transfer via IPSwitch?

Post by the1nfamous »

We use CozSFTP on our Zos machine. We have established a new connection with a 3rd party using SFTP software IPswitch WS_FTP_Professional. They are unable to send us files in TEXT/ASCII mode, despite using various options we always receive in Binary mode. I have asked them to issue the ls /+mode=text command before their put command but they get error:

connect isbantest
lcd "C:\users\admin\folder"
Quote ls /+mode=text
put file1 ///XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST

Processing line 1 [connect isbantest]

Processing line 2 [lcd "C:\users\admin\folder"]

Processing line 3 [Quote ls /+mode=text]
sending command [ls] with parameter [/+mode=text]
Failure in Command [Quote ls /+mode=text]

Processing line 4 [put file1 ///XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST]
changing remote directory to "//"
starting request
opening remote file "//XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST" for writing
uploading local file "C:\users\admin\folder\file1"
transferred 2287 bytes in 0.031 seconds,585.472 kbps ( 73.184 kBps), transfer succeeded.
Transfer request completed with status: Finished

Same with swapping out the Quote command for a Site command ie:

connect isbantest
lcd "C:\users\admin\folder"
Site ls /+mode=text
put file1 ///XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST

Processing line 1 [connect isbantest]

Processing line 2 [lcd "C:\users\admin\folder"]

Processing line 3 [Site ls /+mode=text]
sending command [ls] with parameter [/+mode=text]
Failure in Command [Site ls /+mode=text]

Processing line 4 [put file1 ///XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST]
changing remote directory to "//"
starting request
opening remote file "//XFR.UAT.LSE.TEST" for writing
uploading local file "C:\users\admin\folder\file1"
transferred 2287 bytes in 0.031 seconds,585.472 kbps ( 73.184 kBps), transfer succeeded.
Transfer request completed with status: Finished

Obviously this is not a COZ issue per se, but any help appreciated! Have you come across issues with IPswitch sending into a CoZ based system?
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Re: Text mode transfer via IPSwitch?

Post by the1nfamous »

Forgot to mention the ipswitch manual states:

Syntax: SITE (command)

What it does: This allows you to enter a command that is specific to the current FTP site. WS_FTP prefixes your entry with the word SITE and sends your entry to the FTP site without any editing.

Syntax: QUOTE (command)

What it does: The QUOTE lets you enter any FTP command you want. WS_FTP sends it to the FTP site, unedited. It is up to you to determine the command syntax depending on the FTP site you are connected to.

I have asked them to try without QUOTE / SITE parms ie just

ls /+mode=text

but they receive the same error..
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Re: Text mode transfer via IPSwitch?

Post by dovetail »

the SITE command is an FTP related command. SSH/SFTP does not use this.

I can't say why the "ls /+mode=text" commands are not working without seeing a trace of what Co:Z SFTP is actually receiving.

You can enable a trace for a specific z/OS userid by creating a $HOME/.ssh/sftp-server.rc file with these:

# The Co:Z support team may request that you uncomment the following options
# to enable tracing:
export SFTP_SERVER_OPTIONS="-e -l debug3"
export COZ_LOG=T

Please see this documentation on how to set this up: http://dovetail.com/docs/sftp/config.ht ... _server_rc

After enabling a trace, you will get detailed trace data in the Co:Z SFTP server session log file.
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