Malformed Server.xml

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Malformed Server.xml

Post by mbabcock »

I have downloaded the latest version of Tomcat and am trying to start it. The server.xml document seems to be malformed. I'm getting this error:

0Sep 25, 2017 1:20:45 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
WARNING: Catalina.start using conf/server.xml: The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must
be well-formed.
Sep 25, 2017 1:20:45 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester fatalError
SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 7 column 2: The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must
be well-formed.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed

Here's the server.xml. I'm suspecting it has something to do with the character after the "DOCTYPE Server". When I view this from OMVS using OMVS CONV((BPXFX111)) and do a cat, I see the left bracket character but when viewing this in ISPF, I see the funny character (hex AD) and the corresponding right bracket character. Can someone tell me how to resolve this?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='IBM-1047'?>

<!-- The actual configuration XML document is included from the SERVXML
member of the PDS pointed to by the TCCONFIG DD.
The SERVVARS member has a properties file that is converted to
entity declarations, which are used to parameterize the server xml -->

<!DOCTYPE Server Ý
<!ENTITY % servvars SYSTEM "zfile://DD:TCCONFIG(SERVVARS)" >

<Server port="-1"> <!-- Don't need a control port in favor of MVS P command -->
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Re: Malformed Server.xml

Post by dovetail »

It seems like either the SERVXML or SERVVARS members are not valid XML.

Note: these need to be encoded with codepage IBM-1047, so if your terminal codepage is different (like IBM-037), then you should change it when you edit any of these XML files since stuff like brackets and braces are coded different
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