Help with tofile

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Help with tofile

Post by usaajrm »

Looking for a tofile for dummies help. I'm attempting to copy a unix file to HFS file using tofile. The tofile version i'm using has the -ssh userid@host parameters. It fails with a 255, permission denied. I have a rough idea that i need to setup ssh keys. Here is where i don't have alot of experience with ssh keys. Can you tell me what is needed to get tofile to work? And after my test job, using my id, is done. I need to setup a production version of the job. The production version will use a production service account id. It will be the OWNER value used to run the job. do ssh keys need to setup for this id also? Any help is appreciated. I will start reading the docs. oh, i failed to mention. the production service account is not an interactive account. what options are there to deal with type of id, aka no password id.?
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Re: Help with tofile

Post by dovetail »

What is your client? Where is the zFS/HFS file and where is the Unix file?
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Re: Help with tofile

Post by usaajrm »

It all starts with a z/os batch job running the cozproc passing it the id@servername argument. the we issue the todsn command after cd(ing) over to the file location. The zHFS location is back on the same system the cozproc is running on.
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Re: Help with tofile

Post by dovetail »

It would be great to see an example, but it sounds like you are doing this ?

Code: Select all

# this running on the remote server
cd /serverdir
todsn //DD:MYDD < someserverfile
If so, then just add:

Code: Select all

tofile /zosdir/zfsfile < someotherserverfile
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Re: Help with tofile

Post by usaajrm »

I apologize for the scant information. I rushed to get the question out. You deduced correctly on what i wanted to do. I was on chapter 4.2 of the Data Pipes section trying to something like this: cat /tmp/data | todsn -ssh -p 2222 'hlq.input.dataset'. Which is why i asked for the 101 class on ssh. lol. Your example worked for me. i can see the owner of the zFS is the OWNER value of the batch job. Thank you for the help.
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