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Questions to migrate from FTP to Dataset Pipes

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:31 am
by Joe

we are currently looking for a solution to change FTP to SFTP. The problem is SFTP does'nt support MVS dataset acces. Looking for a solution we found Dataset Pipes, which seems very interesting for us.

Looking for information to SSH i've found following statement:
An OMVS/USS jobstep may get a zero return code even though a remote login or a copy failed ynd your job’s Syslog proviedes no information.

How do you think about this statment ?. Is it also possible with Datset Pipes in a OpenEdition Batch Job ?.

Currently we have implemented Dataset Pipes on our OpenEdtion Unix on mainframe and check it out. Could it happen, if a transferre abends, a empty dataset is allocated on the target system ?

On my tests with the translation Parameter -s -t i've found on our CUNUNIxx only CCSID's 1047,1200,367 are only implemented. To put files from OpenEdtion to z/OS, I need CCSID 1047,1141. To put files from ascii Hosts to z/OS, I need CCSID 850,1141. Can you give me please advise how to change the CUNUNIxx to support code Page ISO8859-1 and IBM-1141 ?


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:20 pm
by dovetail
Please give me a reference to the statement re: return codes.
I don't believe that you can get a zero return code on the fromdsn-ssh or tdsn-ssh clients unless everything was sucessful.

The manual SA22-7649 "Support for Unicode: Using the z/OS Conversion Service", has information on setting up code conversion tables. If you have z/OS 1.6 or later, or use a recent version of DB2, then this will already be configured. Otherwise, you can follow this manual and the sample JCL shipped with z/OS to setup conversion services.