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Does fromdsn suport LRECL>32767?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:56 pm
by john.mckown
Historically, datasets were restricted to have a LRECL of at most 32767 (signed halfword). However, z/OS now allows LRECL=X for datasets with RECFM=VBS or VS. Does fromdsn support this?

Also, I've noticed that if I use fromdsn on a VBS file with the -l rdw parameter, it combines all the segments into a single record on output. Is this guaranteed? I am assuming so because if it didn't, I couldn't determine if the "next record" was a continuation of the current record.


Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:10 am
by dovetail
Sorry for not responding to this earlier....

I don't believe that the fromdsn supports lrecl > 32767, but I need to verify this. We built the C programs with "long file support", but I think that this will not necessarily give us "long record support".

To answer the second question - yes, segments of a VBS file are always combined into a single logical "line".