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Problem with fromdsn and SSH authentication in Co:Z toolkit

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:35 am
by WillJohnson2
I had an older copy of data pipes installed and had successfully done SSH authentication from my PC using fromdsn-ssh (and putty's plink) using the dtlcmd susbsystem.

I have now installed the most recent Co:Z Toolkit and am trying to run fromdsn from my PC and use the dpipes Subsystem. I initially tried running fromdsn without cygwin, hoping that it would use putty's plink. However, the application failed to start because cygwin1.dll was not found. I then installed cygwin and updated my PATH to include \cygwin\bin. AFter this fromdsn worked. However it always prompted for my password even without the -pw flag. Before this, i had run pageant and added my key and entered the passphrase. So, authentication should have worked without asking for my password. It appears that plink is not being used with the newer fromdsn. Is there some way to force the new fromdsn to use plink? I have tried various log options for fromdsn, but I've seen no output that would indicate that authentication with keys is being attempted.

I included the older dtlcmd subsystem in my ssh startup on z/os, and when I use fromdsn-ssh, the authentication works. When I use fromdsn, it asks for my password.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:28 am
by dovetail

Sorry for the confusion.

The default ssh client for fromdsn/todsn is now the "ssh" command, even on Windows. The ssh command can be obtained as part of the cygwin package.

You are apparently using the ssh command, which is prompting you for a password. This is also why -pw and pagent aren't working. If you want to use the ssh command without password prompting, you have to setup a private key in your cywgin /home/user/.ssh directory. See the OpenSSH man pages for more info.

If you want to use plink, you need to do this:

export COZ_SSH_CMD="plink -ssh -batch"

Then you can either use pageant or add -pw to your command line:

fromdsn -ssh -pw xxxx user@host //dsn

Note that the "-batch" option is required on plink to prevent it from prompting. Plink prompting isn't supported under Co:Z. If you want interactive password prompting, you have to use the ssh command.