My JCL still had the STDIN DDNAME and the DD did contain cards. I expected CoZ Launcher to either run both the target-command and STDIN or to only run target-command and ignore STDIN.
However CoZ Launcher instead execute my target-command but set the job step RC to 103, I assume because there were cards found in STDIN.
Is this the expected result? Are there other option to control the actions of CoZ Launcher when both a target-command and STDIN exist?
Code: Select all
fromdsn(DD:STDIN)[N]: 4 records/320 bytes read; 67 bytes written in 0 millisecon
debug1: channel 1: free:, nchannels 4
todsn(DD:STDOUT)[N]: 32 bytes read; 1 records/31 bytes written in 0 milliseconds
debug1: channel 2: free:, nchannels 3
todsn(DD:STDERR)[N]: 0 bytes read; 0 records/0 bytes written in 0 milliseconds.
debug1: channel 3: free:, nchannels 2
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0
cozagent[E]: Stdin DD Reader(20500) received signal - 13
debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1