Servlet execution characteristics
Servlet execution characteristics
Where might I find information on the execution characteristics of Java servlets under z/OS Tomcat? I'm presuming that they are by default non-reentrant. If I invoke the same servlet in multiple browser sessions, this would logically imply a separate copy/instance of the servlet code for each session; is this the case? I notice a number of BPXPTATT tasks in the Tomcat address space. Are servlets routed to, and ATTACHed by, these tasks? Thanks.
Servlet execution characteristics
According to the Tomcat doc, multithreading is automatic. When I invoke my servlet simultaneously in two different browser windows, however, the second invocation does not begin processing until the first has completed, based on the output of diagnostic System.out.println's. I'm running Tomcat under JZOS. Would the apparent absence of multithreading be attributable to Tomcat, the JVM, the servlet itself (i.e. are certain declarations required), OMVS/UNIX threading/tasking; or some combination of the above? Thanks again.
Re: Servlet execution characteristics
Re: Servlet execution characteristics
What was the resolution?